Kue Cubit Al-ikhlas Cipete

kue cubit

Hi, what’s up?! Do you guys know what we’re going to review?

Yes, kue cubit. This snack has been popular in Indonesia for a long time. What is a kue cubit? These are snacks made from flour, sugar, milk, and cake powder as the main ingredients. The name of the cubit cake actually comes from the seller when they take food, and it looks like pinching.

One of the recommended cubit cakes is in front of the Al-Ikhlas (Cipete) school. The taste of the pinch cake also varies, such as chocolate and cheese. the texture of the cake is really soft, even chocolate and cheese also tastes on the tongue. so you guys, who love sweet cake very recommend to try one!

The prices also variances, starts from Rp.5,000 up to Rp.50,000 one serving plate consist of 5 pieces.

So grab yours and enjoy the food!


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