Warung Indomie Abang Adek

Other interesting culinary attractions to visit while in Jakarta are the Indomie Abang Adek cafe. Here you can get various kinds of cheap Indian food menus. Although cheap, the menu here is not cheap. Visitors who come here can choose indomie boiled or fried indomie. Even for spicy lovers, you can come to this place because you can choose the spicy level according to your wishes. This Warung Indomie Abang Adek is on the side of the road so it seems populist. Many young people in Jakarta make this place a fun and cheap hangout. So it is not surprising that every night this place is always filled with young people. That is a culinary tourist spot in Jakarta that is interesting for you to visit when you are in Jakarta. You can choose a fancy and expensive restaurant or you can choose maan at a cheap Jakarta culinary guesthouse. All that depends on you, the most important thing is to be adjusted to your budget.


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