Es Podeng

Desserts are one of the best savouriesto the human body, usually served after the main course.
Indonesia has one specific dessert that is desired by almost everyone called “ Es Podeng”. Es Podeng
is a traditional Indonesian dessert that has been present from generations to generations. Typically
served in a food stall in the streets, es podengis a culinary dish that has been enjoyed since the
colonial ages. This dessert is made through a machine that requires human energy to manually spin the machine, this can take up to an hour to produce enough portions for about 40 people.
Priced at a range of Rp5000-10,000, es podengis basically shaved ice that varies depending on what
the customer wants to put in their dessert. Usually, the customer is given an option of adding bread,
jelly, skimmed milk, peanuts and avocados to top off their es podeng. This traditional dessert is one of
the most favouredtraditional dessertin Indonesia and is definitely worth a try.
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